I sure am. Could someone please send me a DVD of a taped game? I’m dying over here. And anyone that asks what I’m talking about because they have “real” football over here would be advised to not say this to my face. I miss my Chiefs. I miss my Saturday afternoons at Memorial stadium. I need football!
Listening to the first half of the Chiefs game last night was nice. I even got Bob Gretz shilling for Price Chopper. Of course it wasn’t the most exciting game to listen to, but I guess that’s what Herm brings to the table.
Wife has said we could get Sky with their Sports package since they show two NFL games a week, but I’m more tempted to get ESPN’s GamePlan on-line. I’d get more games and a wider selection. Plus then I could get GamePlan for college basketball, which is even more important.
Haven’t done another for and against so I think it’s about time to bring that back:
For: Multiple varieties of sausages at butchers.
Against: Chicken and beef stock is the equivalent of $5 for a 15 oz. can.
For: Being able to walk to the grocery store.
Against: The grocery store we like moving too far away to walk to.
For: The TV shows Top Gear and Saxondale.
Against: Almost every other British TV show.
For: Guy Fawkes Day (Nobody seems to know whether they’re celebrating an attempt to blow up Parliament or the prevention of that attempt).
Against: Christmas items appearing in stores already.
For: Beautiful, Welsh countryside.
Against: Slow, winding roads through Welsh countryside.
For: Friends and family coming to visit us.
Against: Going to Stonehenge innumerable times.
For: Hungarian white and sparkling wines.
Against: Hungarian red wine (aka, rubbing alcohol).
Hope everyone is doing well. Sorry I haven’t been keeping things up to date.