Monday, August 18, 2014

First Day of Kindergarten

Danny's first day of Kindergarten was August 14th.  Danny was a little anxious, especially about pronouncing his teacher's name (Mrs. Helpingstine - Aaron and I still think it might be made up).  Three days in Danny is rocking school, I barely get a good-bye in the morning.  He loves recess and reading time, not so sure about the rest, "Mom I actually have to sit at my desk and work".

Back to school survey:
Favorite movie?  Despicable Me
Favorite song? Ghostbusters
Favorite dinner? Scrambled eggs
Favorite things? Legos, cars and pillow fights
Favorite thing we did this summer? Play and go to the pool

Wednesday, August 06, 2014

Winter Park (Summer)

Think it is official, we love Colorado.  After going skiing in Winter Park this winter, we decided to go again this summer.  It rained (and hailed) more than we would have liked, but still loved being up in the mountains.  We hiked a couple of days in Rocky Mountain National Park, Aaron rode up Berthoud Pass and we made it to Dillon to fill our growler at Pug Ryan's.  Danny and Maura enjoyed exploring (aka hiking), climbing on every rock they saw and a great playground on Main Street.  Here are the pictures:

Alberta Falls

Herd of elk in Rocky Mountain National Park

Playground fun

Hiking in the rain
Check out those clouds, hail was soon to come
Adams Falls
Aaron rode up a mountain, the kids and I met him at the top

Milner's Pass (along the continental divide)
Snow in July

Danny's first selfie