Thursday, September 28, 2006

I Miss my Nerd Friends

Well, at least the friends I had before that title. Work life is very different here than back home. The people are very nice, but they aren’t technical. Being the only engineer in an office is challenging. Most of the time nobody has a clue what I’m talking about. I haven’t seen so many glazed over looks since I went to conventions in high school.

Another thing that’s strange is that almost nobody goes out for lunch. Granted there aren’t many options that are close by, but for the most part no one has time. I guess it’s the mark of a growing company that you have to work harder and have less time for things like lunch, but at some point it becomes counter productive because morale drops.

If you think I’m on about food again, you’re wrong. Back in the US lunch was always a time to have a little social interaction to break up the day. It gave me a chance to vent frustrations to friends/coworkers who had similar frustrations. While we all like our jobs it was nice to be able to discuss what we really thought of situations without being diplomatic.

I have a coworker here that Wife and I hang out with fairly regularly. Her husband and Wife normally get bored because we’ll take the discussion on a work tangent because we don’t have that outlet during the day. That outlet is definitely something that I miss.

Or maybe I’m just depressed because the police force here in the UK seems to think that being politically correct and making sure no one is offended is more important than making sure no one gets blown up:,,2087-2372471.html

Time for another sandwich at my desk. I miss Chipotle!


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