Friday, June 15, 2012

Roaming Naps

Danny refuses to take a nap in his bed.  He fights any sort of quiet time wanting to keep playing downstairs.  This past week he keeps falling asleep in random places.  Thank you swim lessons!!

Danny has a computer, really a repetitive toy that ask questions like what is you favorite toy or who is your best friend.  He was playing with it the other day, which reminded me of a yearly interview with your child that I saw on Pinterest.  So here goes:

What is your favorite toy?    Cars (of course)
What is your favorite game?  Baseball
What is your favorite color ?  Orange
What is your favorite food?  Chicken
What is your favorite dessert?  Cake with marshmallows
What is your favorite cartoon?  Mike the Knight and Octonauts
What is your favorite song?  The fast song (Fast and Slow by Laurie Berkner Band)
What is your favorite book?  Curious George

And my favorite.  His response to who is your best friend?  Maura

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