Thursday, February 08, 2007

Mmmm...Now that is a tasty burger!

Given that British beef isn't really that great compared to what's available in the Midwest it's really not that surprising it's difficult to get a decent burger here. They try, but so much of the time they put filler, eggs, etc. in the burger that make it more of a meatloaf. And that's on top of the poorer quality beef.

Well, imagine my delight when I found some organic, Argentinian ground steak at the Tesco this evening when I stopped on the way home. We had some excellent burgers and a very tasty replica of the NYO Mac and Cheese (aka Mac and Crack) at J. Alexander's restaurants. In a small recipe there was a cup of cream and almost 6 oz. of Gyurere cheese. It was heavenly. Now if I could only get their recipe for blue cheese dressing so I could have an Alex's salad. If you haven't had a burger at J. Alexander's with the NYO Mac and Cheese get there as soon as you can. You won't be disappointed.


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